Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Daily Painting, Day 72

Lady in Kimono having Tea. 8x8, colored pencil on paper

This is the second day of using including figures in the daily painting. I can't wait for it to get easier! It still takes me a long time. But, I do love paintings with figures. If I'm going to grow up to be anything like my hero artists, I have to get fluent in figure drawing... This will take time..


yarska said...

Looks good! You've definitely improved from last drawing. Figures are not easy. I'm scared to attempt them...

Cafeglover said...

Don't be scared. It's the same skill. I suspect you will find it easier than you're imagining it will be. I'm just a little rusty. I am planning to do more so that I can become more fluid.

yarska said...

I shouldn't be scared. I just need to do it so I'm not scared :D